I am a passionate Dollhouse and Doll enthusiast. When I can't find what I want...I make it. This has led to wonderful adventures meeting artists in the field and creating my own work. One of the greatest joys of collecting is to share that passion with others. I am a founding member of the Renaissance Doll Study Club, a chapter of the United Federation of Doll Clubs. If you have a passion for dolls and dollhouses and live in Southern California, please let us know so we can arrange for you to be a guest at one of our meetings or presentations.
By day I was a long time VFX and Animation Producer, you can find my credits on Films such as Madagasgar and the Tinker Bell Movie and on Video Games such as World of Warcraft, Starcraft and Overwatch.
Now that I am retired, I have been able to devote more time to the study of antique dolls and dollhouses. Building on those Antique traditions through modern re-creations helps teach history and give historical and artistic perspective to these fabulous items.
I have a new project! Marv found this for me at Z-Gallery. It is a 6 story bird cage that I will be turning into a dollhouse. This should keep me busy for a while!!
I have been taking and on-line class with Jean Bernard on using leather paints and other fun things to do a shoe make-over. I used a little pair of victorian baby shoes I had that were in terrible condition.
Here is the little design doodle I did before I started.
I finally finished these pins up for the quilt show next week. The knit fabric really held a lot of Paverpol and dryed more "plasticky" then I would have liked...so I basically used them as a collage base....worked out pretty well.